Shochu Tourism Kagoshima 2024 (焼酎ツーリズムかごしま2024)

A trip to enjoy shochu breweries and the areas where they are located, and to find a bottle of shochu that will become your favourite.

Nakasatsuma Area Festival Gourmet

Kagoshima Prefecture is famous for the production of sweet potato shochu. 
Either by chance or by inevitability, shochu culture has been fostered because of this location.
Experience the scenery, climate and hometowns of the shochu-producing regions while meeting the people who manufacture and enjoy this delicious drink. This event is designed for participants to have fun and enjoy using the five senses of hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.
We hope that experiencing shochu first-hand, where it is produced, will increase participants' enthusiasm for shochu .

Buses that follow a circular route will be operating on the day of the event to make it easier for visitors to tour the area. Upon registration, you will receive information about shochu breweries, a map with information about the area & the bus timetable, and your bus ticket.
Based on the information in these materials and from the internet and social media, you can plan out your itinerary such as which areas you want to visit and where you would like to have lunch, before arrival. Then, based on that information, on the designated day you can enjoy visiting local areas home to shochu breweries in Kagoshima Prefecture. 
We hope you will be able to find the bottle of shochu you like the best.

Basic Information

Address 鹿児島県いちき串木野市・日置市
Telephone Number 050-3690-1402(焼酎ツーリズム実行委員会)
Fee 8,000 yen.
This includes the bus ticket, guide-map, special glass for drinking shochu diluted with hot water, and an original holder for the glass.
Venue Ichikikushikino City, Hioki City
Directions Meet in front of JR Ijuin Station or JR Ichiki Station.
Shochu Tourism Map
Social media Instagram
Notes Note: Advanced registration is required.
Deadlines for application:
Monday, February 5, 2023 (for payment by bank transfer)
Thursday, February 8, 2023 (for payment by credit card)

This event involves alcohol, so please participants should not drive their cars to the meet-up place.


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