Senbon Ichou (Thousand Ginkgos) (千本イチョウ)

A superb view 40 years in the making

Osumi Area Nature, Seasonal Flowers and Scenic Spots Nature and Flowers Recharge and Refresh

The nature of and changes in the four seasons can be felt from plants such as cherry blossoms in spring and hydrangeas in summer.
The end of the summer brings plants that put you in mind of the Japanese autumn, such as Japanese maples, Japanese pampas grass, and gingkos.
Over the past few years, the lines of gingko trees in Tarumizu, Kagoshima have captivated tourists as a prime attraction that lets people truly enjoy the fall season.
These lined gingko trees are called "Senbon Iichou (Thousand Gingkos)". As per the name, there are over 1,000 ginkgo trees in an area of 4.5 hectares.
The land is privately owned by Yoshiaki Nakama, who made these lines of golden gingko trees with his wife over the course of 40 years.

Enjoy the vast panorama of the thousand gingko trees and Japan's changing seasons.

*The gingkos are on private land; please observe proper etiquette when visiting.

Basic Information

Address 891-2111 鹿児島県垂水市新御堂
Telephone Number 0994-32-1111(垂水市水産商工観光課)
Business Days/ Hours Late November to early December

[Notes] The best time to visit is early December.
Fee Free ¥0(In 2008, he opened the land to free public visits)
Parking Mapcode 393 269 129
Drive MAP
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  • バリアフリー対応可
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  • 祈祷所


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