Natural Sand Bath Center 'Saraku' (砂むし会館「砂楽」)

Nansatsu Area Hot Steam Sand Bath Nature Kagoshima Onsen Kingdom

【Notice of temporary closure 】 The bath hall will be temporarily closed during the following period due to maintenance work. Period:
・Monday, July 8- Friday, July 12, 2024
・Monday, December 9 - Friday, December 13, 2024


Basic Information

Address 鹿児島県指宿市湯の浜5-25-18
Telephone Number 0993-23-3900
Business Days/ Hours 8:30~20:30 (21:00 Close)
Fee Adults ¥1,500
Children ¥1,000
Directions Car: 5-minute drive from JR Ibusuki Station.
Bus: Please refer to the link below for the bus timetable.
Parking Mapcode 285 228 013*23
Drive MAP
Website Visit Japanese Website
Bus Timetable
  • 駐車場
  • トイレ
  • クレジットカード
  • WIFI
  • バリアフリー対応可
  • ベジタリアンメニュー相談可
  • ムスリムメニュー相談可
  • 祈祷所


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