Arego Ajisai garden (洗川あじさい園)

Nakasatsuma Area Nature, Seasonal Flowers and Scenic Spots

Hydrangea Garden is located in Hioki City, about 30 minutes’ drive away from Kagoshima city.
The old couple manages 50 kinds of 500 hydrangea and is free to open.
A colorful variety of rare hydrangeas greet you. The best time to see June.

Basic Information

Address 899-2201 鹿児島県日置市東市来町湯田堀内
Telephone Number 099-248-9409(日置市役所商工観光課)
Fee Admission ¥0
  • 駐車場
  • トイレ
  • クレジットカード
  • WIFI
  • バリアフリー対応可
  • ベジタリアンメニュー相談可
  • ムスリムメニュー相談可
  • 祈祷所


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